Marriage Intensive & Coaching
Proven to Heal Your Marriage

Stop Arguing. Deflate Defensiveness.                
Connect Deeply with Your Spouse.                
Find Hope.                

                                           Marriage Intensive & Coaching
Proven to Heal Your Marriage

Stop Arguing. 
Deflate Defensiveness.
Connect Deeply with Your Spouse.
Find Hope.

Life is too short to miss peace and meaningful connection

Conflict is no fun. Don't get stuck in hopelessness. 
You can create a marriage full of connection and safety.

Create the marriage YOU want

Your struggles are specific to YOU. Focus only on what YOUR marriage needs - create the intimacy you long for while deepening your relationship with God

Do conflict differently - deflate defensiveness

No one likes conflict and few know how to do it well. Learn more productive ways of handling disagreements and defensiveness, end blaming, criticism, and destruction

Save time and money

With us, your first meeting is free, and right away you'll get info you can use to move forward, instead of paying hundreds of dollars to help your counselor understand your history.

We don't just care about marriage... 

We care about YOU.

We can help.

  • Experience - Since 1991, Nina Roesner has been helping people solve their relationship challenges as a communication and relationship coach. She has a masters degree in communication and certificates in Relationship Coaching and Christian Marriage Coaching from the Institute of Life Coach Training. She spent 15 years with Dale Carnegie Training, is a Harper Collins author, and has led Greater Impact since 2005. Nina and her husband have worked through their own challenges and raised three kids together. 

    Nina also works with a TEAM of Greater Impact certified coaches. They have decades of experience in dealing with relationship challenges and helping people show up the way God designed them to be. 
  • Proven Method - The methods used are scientifically proven to have lasting results when working with a couple where both people are open to the possibilities of creating something new.

    THIS METHOD WORKS - the majority of marriage help out there either walks you and your spouse through a canned presentation, which may have awesome information, but is then misses the follow-up to help you actually apply what you learn. OR, it's just a weekly hourly meeting where forward movement MIGHT be discussed after a ton of meetings (which you have to pay for) so the counselor gets the background. 
  • Unique Biblical Method. Our method is different. Based on Biblical Truth and double-blind reliable and valid relationship research, we hit ALL the bases. Not only do we give you a workshop that provides the MAP of the journey, we start you on that path right away. We use a PLAN that works in moving couples from where they are to where they want to be in the fastest way possible.  We don't just do follow-up coaching, we walk you through the PLAN THAT WORKS at the pace YOUR marriage needs! The plan is tailored specifically to you and your spouse, but it is WHAT WORKS. 
  • Track Record - We've seen God lead thousands out of despair and into deeper connection with Him and other significant relationships. We've seen marriages where divorce had already been filed HEALED. We've seen abuse STOP. We've seen connection occur quickly, consistently, and couples move into a space of sharing dreams as friends. 

How it Works:




What our clients say...

Couples coaching has given us hope after years of being stuck and not being able to see a solution. Our coach has provided us with tools and tips that help us see how we can get out of where we are currently and move forward. We are looking forward to this new stage in our lives!
 Andrea & Jacob

Working with Greater Impact saved us. We were at the end of our rope, police were involved, both of us were hopeless. God used them to facilitate a new beginning for us and created hope where there was none before. We have grown in our faith and our relationship with each other as a result of working with Greater Impact.
Tom & Clara

This is the first time I've felt we are getting the help we actually need. And we've spent thousands of dollars over the years trying different intensives, counseling, therapy, workshops... Greater Impact does a solid job of creating the exact safe environment that makes it easy to grow my relationship with God, myself, and my spouse. 

We have grown more in the last 8 weeks than the years before and for the first time, I have real hope and am seeing a NEW way of being in my marriage.

Our relationship is growing in connection! God is really growing my identity in Christ. The Marriage Intensive is more than worth the investment!
Lucas & Veronica

Greater Impact's Marriage Intensive changed everything. I went from being beaten down, discouraged, wondering what God actually thought of me, to knowing my value and being okay no matter what's going on around me. I sense God's pleasure and direction on a daily basis now. I have hope in the Lord now, defensiveness has been DEFLATED in my marriage, and I'm daily experiencing joy. Our marriage has come SO FAR and I'm looking forward to the days ahead for the first time ever.

Just wanted to thank you all so much for the Marriage Intensive so far.  Nina said I would learn how to hear God and listen to God, and I am! It's a really special thing that's happening and I can't believe how simple it is! It means a lot to me that something I have always struggled with, I am now learning to do and God is teaching me so much.
What more do you need to know?
Stop hurting and create the marriage you want. Breeze through difficult discussions and avoid the expense and pain of divorce! 

You are already aware it's a stressful time in the world. Divorce inquiries have increased and so have domestic violence calls in the United States. If you can't figure out your marriage, divorce is going to cost at least $23,000.

We also know MOST counseling FAILS. Often the counselor appears to choose sides, creating a win/lose environment, which damages the relationship further. Often, they just don't know proven processes that work - typically talk therapy does not work for marriage solutions with couples. More destruction occurs, separations happen, patterns continue. 

Our Marriage Intensive is grounded in a proven process, one we've seen help many couples in seemingly hopeless situations. 

Nina Roesner, PCC, and her team of certified coaches take you and your spouse through deepening your relationship with God, yourself, and each other. Most couples just want to STOP THE CONFLICT - we'll teach you how to do that, yes. But did you know that is NOT enough? Research done by the University of Washington shows that unless you build in VERY SPECIFIC positive situations (and a bunch of them!!), you will NOT have a marriage that brings you and your spouse the connection and joy you seek. 

We help you do those proven things - and we walk with you to help you implement them. 

Because there is NO condemnation in Christ Jesus, each person in the marriage is encouraged to try something different, without blame, while the coach stays focused on being a neutral party and facilitating Wins for both spouses, the marriage, and God. We view each person in the marriage with respect as precious to God - equally. 

MOST marriage counseling is painful - our process is NOT. In our opinion, too much time is spent rehashing unsolvable problems from the past. Coaching focuses on the forward movement of the marriage, creating the life you want together, learning new ways of interacting by trying new skills in the moments they are needed. These methods are proven to have a positive impact in your daily lives. Yes, we work through hurts from the past, but not in the way therapy or counseling does - we connect with the Lord and allow His healing to transform us. 

The average costs of counseling in the United States runs between $60-125/hour. That is a lot to pay when you aren't sure of the results. Most couples meet weekly with their counselor spending their time and money getting the counselor up to speed with the history of their relationship. Coaching is different. We begin forward moving work from the start.

No matter how long you have been married, or what stage of life you are in, you will face difficulties. How you choose to navigate those challenges will impact your marriage and family either positively or negatively. We know what works and can help you and your spouse develop the habits needed to make lasting positive change a reality for your marriage. 

Since 2006 we haven't been just teaching people how to communicate to create deeper connections; we have walked with them. Thousands of people have deepened their relationships with God and transformed their personal relationships. How did they do it? The answer is simple - they practiced with expert guidance. They've learned new methods of interacting and praying and have changed their outcomes.

What will your life be like in 3 months, 3 years, 30 years, if you don't act NOW? You can bet things will get worse. Is that what you want for your kids and grandkids? 

Schedule your free call, work with your coach, and begin creating the marriage you want today!

Don't let another day slip by...

Look ahead 3 years - what will your marriage look like if you don't take action NOW?


get on the same page

stop destructive communication patterns

stop hurting

discover connection instead of conflict

deflate defensiveness

grow in intimacy

Greater Impact Marriage Intensive to heal your marriage

Create the marriage you want. Do conflict differently. Deflate Defensiveness. Save time & money.

© Copyright - Greater Impact Ministries 1320 Nagel Rd, Suite 54783. Cincinnati, OH 45254